Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our New Identity

I believe that the way you see yourself affects how you handle your finances.

If you see yourself as never being able to make ends meet.

If you see yourself as destined for failure because of your past.

If you see yourself as not good enough.

Your actions will follow what you think. So, if you identify with the above statements, then your actions are most likely going to follow. But as Christians, we have a new identity that makes us more than conquerors. We know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We know that if we put God first He will take care of us. We know that God supplies all of our needs so we don't have to worry. When we identify with these statements, we are going to start acting as the victorious Christians we were meant to be. And, when we do this our lives will be an example to others who are struggling to find that same hope.

So, my question to you is . . . What are you identifying with?

If you aren't sure how God sees you, I invite you to visit my online study that I call "Living in the Overflow." Here's the link.



Valerie said...

I was hoping over to thank you for visiting my blog and to thank you for being a follower. I was glad to see your blog title. Just this weekend hubby and I was talking about how we really need to start working on getting out of credit card debt. God always seems to answer my prayers and guiding me in the way I should go. He just continues to bless me. I am going to browse around your blog now! Have a blessed day!

SetFree said...

Hi Valerie,

Thanks for taking time to leave a comment! It is awesome how God always has something for us just at the right time. I look forward to chatting with you soon!
