Friday, February 27, 2009

Are You A Warehouse or Distribution Center?

A warehouse is a place where stuff is stored, set aside and accumulated. A distribution center is a place where stuff flows freely in and out. When it comes to your money, are you a warehouse or a distribution center?

For those who are not sure, here are a few questions to ask yourself.

1. Do you frequently buy things for yourself?
2. Do you find it hard to part with your belongings?
3. Do you only donate things that you don’t like anymore or don’t fit?
4. Do you believe that you should get all you can, can what you get, and sit on the can?
5. Do you believe that the money in your account really belongs to God and you are just a steward called to distribute it to those God chooses?
6. Do you enjoy giving things away, even your most prized possessions?
7. Have you noticed that as you give, God always fills your distribution center back up?

A warehouse makes me think of a stagnant pond. Without circulation things begin to die. But a distribution center has a constant flow that brings life. God is always searching for people who will be distribution centers because He wants to use them to bring life to people.

One thing that’s important to note is that before God will start giving you this money, He needs to know that you will be a faithful steward and use it how He desires. To start, He may ask you to buy a simple cup of coffee for someone. Sounds easy, right? However, He then tells you to give it to the lady you don’t like at work. Will you do it out of obedience to God or will you walk away? As we prove ourselves in these little tests He will begin to entrust bigger things to us.

My husband and I often give big tips at restaurants. I love to think about how excited the waitress will be when she picks up the tip after we’ve left and finds it is crazy big. It seems simple but if we learn to hear God in these situations, we will be better able to hear him in bigger situations. I know some people who have given away cars, houses and airplanes because God asked them to. We aren’t there yet but I would love to get there some day.

Here are some verses to look up if you would like to learn more about trusting God to supply your needs so that you can learn to be a distribution center for Him.

Deuteronomy 28, Proverbs 3:9-10, Proverbs 28:27, Isaiah 48:17, Malachi 3:8-11, II Corinthians 9:6-11

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