Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"I Believe" Isn't Enough

Have you noticed that many conversations about God, religion, etc start with "Well, I believe..."

With all due respect, it doesn't matter what you believe. The only thing that matters is what God said in His Word. Everyone seems to create their own theology based on what they choose to believe and not believe and forget that the foundation is supposed to be on the Bible. It's not up to you to decide WHAT you believe. The WHAT is already laid out in the Bible. The question is WILL you believe?

Example: Some people believe that God lives in all creation. FALSE! God CREATED the trees, sun, stars, grass, etc but He doesn't live IN those inanimate objects. The only being that God lives in is us. God told us this in the Bible. In Genesis we also see that He gave humans the authority over all of the "things" in the earth. We just do not have authority over people. Why would God give authority over the things if He lived in them? When you start praying to things because you think God lives in them, you are now venturing into idolatry.

Next time you say "Well I believe..." stop yourself and ask, "Where did I get this belief? Did I get it from the Bible or did I come to the conclusion on my own?" If you picked it up on your own, I encourage you to seek God to see what He said about it in His Word and make that the final authority in your life.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Where's The Line?

I would guess that most people have struggled at some time with the following questions:

"Where is the line between being responsible and working in a job that I don't love but pays the bills AND working in a job that I love but doesn't pay the bills?"

"Should I do what I love and worry about the money later?"

"Should I take a job that I don't love so that I can pay the bills?"

Especially right now, these are big questions on everyone's mind. I believe that we need to be responsible for ourselves and our families. If that means taking a job that we don't love but will pay the bills then so be it. I realize that may be a hard pill to swallow but no one said life was going to be easy. One of the many reasons our economy is in such a mess is because people were irresponsible from various angles.

Some were irresponsible in making unethical business decisions for their companies.

Some were irresponsible in giving loans to people who were one paycheck away from disaster.

Some were irresponsible for lying on their loan applications thinking that they were "entitled" to a house even though they couldn't afford it.

Some were irresponsible in spending more than they make.

Here is the painful truth. The American dream cannot be achieved by lying, cheating, stealing or being unethical or immoral. It is also not handed out. It is earned through honesty and hard work.

Now, here's the good news. If you know Jesus, you have a way out from this mess. Jesus told us that if we live by the principles in the Bible, we can enjoy a life of abundance and overflow. We can have all of our needs met so that we have plenty left over to help others. We can work in a job that we love because we don't look to our job to provide for us. We look to God as our Provider and our Source.

However, Jesus also told us that it wouldn't be easy and that it would require consistency and dedication. We have to learn about God's principles and live by God's principles before we will see those wonderful and amazing blessings manifest in our lives. I suppose the question then becomes . . .

"Are you trusting your jobs and your own efforts to supply your needs or are you living by God's principles, implementing His ways of doing things and therefore seeing Him supply your needs?"

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Proof That Jesus Was Not Poor

I heard a great message this week that gave Biblical proof that Jesus was not poor. I encourage you to put your doubts and prejudices aside and listen to the below link with an open mind.
Once you click the link below, pick the Tuesday, March 31 message under “God’s View of Prosperity.”

Sunday, March 29, 2009

To Budget or Not To Budget?

Have you ever debated as to whether or not budgets are biblical? Here's my point of view.

God told us to owe no man anything but to love him. That means we should not be in debt. If we need to use a budget as a practical way to manage our money then that is great. God tells us time and time again to seek wisdom and use wisdom. I believe that when we are good stewards with our money that is being wise and proving ourselves obedient to God.

God also tells us that He will supply all of our needs. Therefore, we don't need to worry about tomorrow. As long as we are seeking God, putting God first, and being obedient, we will see the Blessing manifest in our lives. Once we start seeing the results of faith, we aren't so dependent on the natural around us. We aren't so concerned about what the budget looks like on paper because we know God will supply our needs. This doesn't give us a license to overspend but it does mean we aren't tied to this world's system.

God also tells us that we are to walk by faith and not by sight. This means that we can believe God to provide the money for that item we want to buy. It doesn't mean we go out and buy it before we have the money in hand because that would be incurring debt. However, it does mean that we have a bigger source than our job. God will supply our needs. We stand on God's Word that He will come through on His promises and we will see the money we need. That's called walking by faith.

If you have been challenged in the area of spending money wisely, I encourage you to set up a budget so that you can see on paper where your money is going. However, this doesn't mean that you can't continue to build up your faith and stand on God's Word. Once we prove ourselves with the little things God will bless us with more. Commit today to making wise decisions with your money and watch God bless your obedience and dedication.

Below is a link to my other site which is full of free tips and forms to help you live a debt free lifestyle.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bible Verses By Topic

I just started a new website that lists Bible verses by topic. The link is below in case you are interested. Have a great day!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

On Suze Orman's Show Last Night

I happened to stop at the Suze Orman show last night and was amazed at what I heard. This 31 year old woman had $25,000 in credit card debt, $14,000 in student loans, a $12,000 car payment, and a mortgage . . . and only made $2000 a month.

Suze did a great job of confronting this woman who admitted she was living on credit cards. She knew that she didn't have enough cash coming in but didn't want to have to cut back or get another job.

What I think is ridiculous is that this woman could declare bankruptcy and start all over again. No accountability for the mess she created. No responsibility in repaying the loss. I was relieved to at least hear that you can't declare bankruptcy on student loans. There is no way out of that. Bankruptcy may make her life easier but it makes mine harder because someone has to eat that lost money. Now my insurance rates go up and so on because the companies have to cover their losses. Why do people think they are entitled to buy things they don't have money for and then escape the responsibility of paying for it?

I think there needs to be stricter rules on who can get credit cards. At first glance it would appear that it is a person's right to make bad financial decisions and get themselves into trouble. The problem is that there are so many irresponsible people, greedy people, unethical people, and people poorly educated in basic finances that they have now ruined our whole economy. The American dream is earned by hard work, integrity and honesty. The American dream is not handed out for free.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Are You A Warehouse or Distribution Center?

A warehouse is a place where stuff is stored, set aside and accumulated. A distribution center is a place where stuff flows freely in and out. When it comes to your money, are you a warehouse or a distribution center?

For those who are not sure, here are a few questions to ask yourself.

1. Do you frequently buy things for yourself?
2. Do you find it hard to part with your belongings?
3. Do you only donate things that you don’t like anymore or don’t fit?
4. Do you believe that you should get all you can, can what you get, and sit on the can?
5. Do you believe that the money in your account really belongs to God and you are just a steward called to distribute it to those God chooses?
6. Do you enjoy giving things away, even your most prized possessions?
7. Have you noticed that as you give, God always fills your distribution center back up?

A warehouse makes me think of a stagnant pond. Without circulation things begin to die. But a distribution center has a constant flow that brings life. God is always searching for people who will be distribution centers because He wants to use them to bring life to people.

One thing that’s important to note is that before God will start giving you this money, He needs to know that you will be a faithful steward and use it how He desires. To start, He may ask you to buy a simple cup of coffee for someone. Sounds easy, right? However, He then tells you to give it to the lady you don’t like at work. Will you do it out of obedience to God or will you walk away? As we prove ourselves in these little tests He will begin to entrust bigger things to us.

My husband and I often give big tips at restaurants. I love to think about how excited the waitress will be when she picks up the tip after we’ve left and finds it is crazy big. It seems simple but if we learn to hear God in these situations, we will be better able to hear him in bigger situations. I know some people who have given away cars, houses and airplanes because God asked them to. We aren’t there yet but I would love to get there some day.

Here are some verses to look up if you would like to learn more about trusting God to supply your needs so that you can learn to be a distribution center for Him.

Deuteronomy 28, Proverbs 3:9-10, Proverbs 28:27, Isaiah 48:17, Malachi 3:8-11, II Corinthians 9:6-11